Nov 27, 2018
Social media is a powerful tool for professional networking. In this episode, Frank Agin, founder and president of AmSpirit Business Connections and host of Networking Rx, shares ideas and thoughts on networking on social media both the right way and well.
Nov 20, 2018
When it comes to improving our networking, we all starts from a different place. In this episode, Frank Agin, founder and president of AmSpirit Business Connections and host of Networking Rx, shares some advice on taking those first small steps for individuals just getting started with networking.
For more information...
Nov 13, 2018
As your network is truly just a business, developing it involves branding, marketing and client service. In this episode, Frank Agin, founder and president of AmSpirit Business Connections and host of Networking Rx, shares some thoughts on borrowing from the corporate world to improve the branding, marketing and...
Nov 6, 2018
No questions about it … small talk gets a bad rap. Nevertheless, in this episode Frank Agin, founder and president of AmSpirit Business Connections and host of Networking Rx, shares not only why casual chit-chat is a powerful networking tool, but also how to become great at it.
For more great insight on professional...